Faraday Discovery Fellowships: Supporting Emerging Research Leaders

The Faraday Discovery Fellowships, funded by the Royal Society and supported by the Department of Science Innovation and Technology, provide up to £8 million over ten years to outstanding mid-career researchers in STEM fields. These fellowships aim to support the development of world-leading research teams in the UK, encouraging original research and innovation without thematic restrictions. The program targets mid-career researchers with significant contributions and leadership in their fields, offering extensive support, including training for the next generation of research leaders.

Key Points for Policymakers:

  • Promotes long-term scientific research and innovation.
  • Supports UK-based research leaders, aiding retention and attraction of global talent.
  • Encourages diversity and inclusivity within the scientific community.

Read the article here: https://royalsociety.org/grants/faraday-discovery-fellowships/