BSAS Welcomes New Presidential Team!

BSAS Welcomes New Presidential Team!

The British Society of Animal Science (BSAS) is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor David Kenny as its new President and Professor Nicholas Jonsson as Junior Vice President. These appointments mark an exciting chapter for BSAS as it continues to advance the field of animal science.

Professor Nicholas Jonsson brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise in animal health and production. Currently serving as Professor of Animal Health and Production at the University of Glasgow, Professor Jonsson has dedicated his career to research and teaching in the field. With a focus on ruminant gut function, sensor technologies, and sustainable parasite management strategies, Professor Jonsson’s contributions to BSAS will be invaluable as the society seeks to address key challenges facing the industry. Professor Jonsson is currently Chair of the Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs.

Professor Kenny, Head of Animal & Bioscience Department at Teagasc and Chair of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) Commission on Animal Physiology is an active supporter and champion of economically and environmentally sustainable livestock-based food production systems which maintain the highest standards of animal health and welfare and promote biodiversity and social inclusion.

President David Kenny, expressed his enthusiasm for the appointment of the new Vice President, stating, “I am delighted to welcome Professor Jonsson to BSAS’s leadership team. His expertise will enrich our organization and help us further our mission of promoting excellence in animal science. “Together, we aspire to position BSAS as a leading provider of evidence-based scientific information, showcasing the vital role of livestock in a sustainable agri-food sector while at the same time promoting human and planetary health. Our mission extends beyond academia and industry; we strive to raise awareness of the profound impact animal science can have on addressing societal challenges and driving value throughout the animal sectors and supply chains. At the heart of our learned society are our members, whose active engagement is crucial to our success. I encourage all to explore the myriad of opportunities for involvement in BSAS as we continue to play a pivotal role as a platform for the widespread dissemination of state-of-the-art research findings, professional development, education, and as a representative body for the animal science sector.

President Kenny continued ‘As we embark on this journey together, I am reminded of the profound importance of our collective mission. The field of animal science plays a crucial role in shaping the welfare, health, and productivity of livestock, as well as in ensuring the sustainability and resilience of our farming systems. We have again heard convincing evidence of this, at the BSAS Annual Conference, in Belfast, during April this year.

In our increasingly complex and interconnected world, the challenges facing animal science are manifold. From mitigating the impacts of climate change on livestock production to addressing emerging infectious diseases, from promoting animal welfare to enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of food production, our work is more critical than ever before. Yet, in the face of these challenges, I am filled with optimism. The British Society of Animal Science is home to some of the brightest minds and most dedicated professionals in our field. Together, we possess the expertise, creativity, and passion needed to drive meaningful change and make a lasting impact. As President, I am committed to fostering collaboration, innovation, and excellence within our society. I believe that by harnessing the collective wisdom and ingenuity of our members, we can overcome even the most daunting obstacles and unlock new opportunities for progress.

I also recognize the importance of engaging with stakeholders from across academia, industry, government, and civil society. By building bridges and forging partnerships, we can amplify our impact and ensure that our research and insights are translated into tangible benefits for animals, people, and the planet. Indeed, the theme of our next annual conference, BSAS 2025, 8-11 April in Galway, will be “Animal Science supporting livestock’s role in a global society,” underscoring the critical role of animal science in addressing the challenges and opportunities facing the livestock industry worldwide.’

Summing up President Kenny said ‘the BSAS presidential team includes Dr Helen Warren, European Technical Manager for Ruminants and Horses for Alltech, as Senior Vice President, providing excellent representation for industry and Professor Elizabeth Magowan, Director of Sustainable Agri-Food Sciences Division, Agri-food & Biosciences Institute as past president bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the team. Supported by our trustees and our CEO Maggie Mitchell, BSAS is well placed to provide leadership and representation for the animal and livestock science sectors in navigating the many challenges and opportunities that will present in the years ahead.’