Professor Alison Etheridge Appointed First President of the Academy for the Mathematical Sciences

The Academy for the Mathematical Sciences proudly announces the appointment of Professor Alison Etheridge OBE FRS as its inaugural President, effective 17 June 2024. As a distinguished leader, Professor Etheridge’s election is a testament to her profound influence across the mathematical sciences spectrum—spanning academia, industry, and government policy.

Under her leadership, the Academy aims to champion mathematical sciences across the UK, recognising its pivotal role in key policy areas, many of which are devolved. Professor Etheridge’s vision includes a broad, inclusive approach to the discipline, striving to enhance representation and opportunities for historically underrepresented groups.

Professor Etheridge, currently a Professor in Probability at the University of Oxford, brings a wealth of expertise, particularly in stochastic processes and their applications in population genetics. Her research has significantly advanced understanding of genetic variation patterns through mathematical models. This work not only underscores the theoretical importance of mathematical sciences but also highlights its practical implications in solving complex biological problems.

The Academy, supported unanimously by its Trustees, is set to foster collaboration across the mathematical community. This initiative is crucial as the Academy seeks to establish itself as a leading voice, advocating the use of mathematical sciences to address broad societal challenges. The UK Government, recognising this potential, has supported the initiative with a pledge of up to £6 million over three years to help establish a National Academy focused on Mathematical Sciences.

As the sector anticipates the outcome of DSIT’s open competition for this grant, the Academy remains a frontrunner, poised to shape the future of mathematical sciences in the UK. This endeavour will not only enhance the sector’s cohesion but also boost its impact on national and international policy-making.

For further insights into the Academy’s initiatives and Professor Etheridge’s illustrious career, visit Academy for the Mathematical Sciences and Professor Etheridge’s professional page.

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